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Cancellations, Returns and Refunds Policy

At Fielding - England Customer satisfaction is out first priority and so we like to be upfront about our cancellations, returns and refunds policy.

Your Legal Rights:

When you buy goods from a business, in law you have a number of rights as a consumer. These include the right to claim a refund, replacement, repair and/or compensation where the goods are faulty or misdescribed. As an online business, rules coverd by the distance selling regulations also apply. Further information about these can be found at www.gov.uk

Our policy:

As covered by the distance selling regulations all customers have the right to cancel orders. All customers can cancel an order within 14 days of receiving the goods without giving any explanation. Cancellation notice can be given by telephone, by email or in writing using the contact details stated below. Customers then have another 14 days from the time of informing the company to return the goods to the address given below. As a straighforward cancelation, the customer must pay the cost of returning the goods to us. The customer will then be refunded within 14 days of receipt of these goods, as long as there is no damage and they are in the original new and unused condition that they were despatched in. If customers order the incorrect goods, such as the incorrect size, and wish to exchange them for a different size, the customer must also pay for the delivery of the replacement item before it will be dispatched.

Product Return Address:

FAO: Returns Dept.

Fielding, Gatehouse Farm, Carr Lane, Watton, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 9AH
Tel: +44 (0) 1377 271194
